miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

Hangul alphabet

Most of images are not mine, so I've put in footer the links of where I got them.

Koreans use a very scientific alphabet, in my opinion, it's the easiest alphabet in the world.
My recommendation to learn it: first learn how to write each vowel and consonant.

Now, we're going to learn how to combine them. It can be difficult at first because they write syllables different than Europeans, but when you learn it, it's easy.
Here there're is a schema with syllable in Europe vs Korea, you only have to follow the schema to write.
This image is made by myself
If you don't have pink consonant, pretend that part of schema doesn't exist. (Left-> consonant, right->vowel).
If both consonants miss, you have to add ng to the vowel (yes, the circle). We can't write vowels alone!! Here there's all the vowels with the ng: